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- 5 print"[147]one moment please"
- 10 ifa=0thena=1:load"sl ultsort.ml",8,1
- 100 rem ******************************
- 110 rem * <<sleeve lists>> *
- 120 rem * *
- 130 rem * program requires machine *
- 140 rem * lang prg "sl ultsort.ml" *
- 150 rem * which must be on same disk.*
- 160 rem * *
- 170 rem * *
- 180 rem * *
- 190 rem * *
- 200 rem * *
- 210 rem * by: r. taylor (ncug) *
- 220 rem * 210 durso dr. *
- 230 rem * newark, de 19711 *
- 240 rem * *
- 250 rem * *
- 260 rem * *
- 270 rem * this version is for use *
- 280 rem * with the c-64, tymac *
- 290 rem * connection interface and *
- 300 rem * okidata 92 or gemini 10x *
- 310 rem * printer. *
- 320 rem * *
- 330 rem * *
- 340 rem * *
- 350 rem * *
- 360 rem * if you have a different *
- 370 rem * printer, that will print *
- 380 rem * in condensed mode, then *
- 390 rem * change the printer codes *
- 400 rem * in lines 6000- or 7000- to *
- 410 rem * suit your needs & change *
- 420 rem * lines 520, 530, 910, 920, *
- 430 rem * and 2000-2060 as required *
- 440 rem * for your printer. *
- 450 rem ******************************
- 460 poke53281,0:poke53280,0:poke646,5:cl$=chr$(147):d$=chr$(17)
- 470 poke53272,21:rem upper case
- 480 open4,4:print#4,chr$(27)"w"chr$(136):close4:rem tymac connection req'mt
- 490 gosub 1000:rem title screen & instr
- 500 gosub 2000:rem select printer
- 510 goto540
- 520 clr:gosub6000:goto540:rem oki setup
- 530 clr:gosub7000:goto540:rem g10x setup
- 540 pn=4:rem printer device number
- 550 dn=8:rem disk drive number
- 560 c$="disk name = ":n$=chr$(0):id$=" id = "
- 570 dim f$(150),rc$(144),op$(48)
- 580 rem f$=filename,rc$=row/col,op$=output printed
- 590 t$="-----------------":t$=t$+t$+t$+t$+t$+"--"
- 600 u$="=================":u$=u$+u$+u$+u$+u$+"=="
- 610 printcl$:x=1:z=1:x$=""
- 620 open6,dn,0,"$0"
- 630 get#6,a$,a$,a$,a$,a$,a$
- 640 get#6,a$:if a$=""then660
- 650 x$=x$+a$:goto 640
- 660 b$=mid$(x$,21,2):a$=mid$(x$,3,16)
- 670 dn$=c$+a$+id$+b$
- 680 f$="":print dn$+d$
- 690 get#6,a$,a$:ifa$=""then close 6:goto770
- 700 get#6,a$,b$:b$=str$(asc(a$+n$)+asc(b$+n$)*256)+" "
- 710 get#6,a$
- 720 if asc(a$+n$) >=219 then a$=" "
- 730 if asc(a$+n$) >=128 and asc(a$+n$) <193 then a$=" "
- 740 if asc(a$+n$) >=193 and asc(a$+n$) <219 then a$=chr$(asc(a$+n$)-p)
- 750 if a$=""then f$(x)=b$:print" "f$(x):x=x+1:b$="":goto 690
- 760 b$=b$+a$:goto710
- 770 open4,4,6
- 780 print#4,sp$;co$;t$:print#4:print#4,u$
- 790 print#4,pi$;em$;en$;dn$;" ";co$;f$(x-1);of$:print#4,t$:close4:open4,4,s
- 800 for i=1to(x-2)
- 810 rc$(i)=mid$(f$(i),7,18)+" "+mid$(f$(i),25,4)+" "+left$(f$(i),4)+" "
- 820 nexti
- 830 fori=49155to49251:pokei,170:next
- 840 ifus=1thensys49154,(x-2),rc$(1)
- 850 for r=1to48:op$(r)=rc$(r)+rc$(r+48)+rc$(r+96)
- 860 print#4,op$(r):nextr
- 870 print#4:print#4:print#4,t$:print#4,ff$:print#4,cn$:close4
- 880 poke53272,21:printcl$;d$;" to do another disk"
- 890 printd$" insert next disk and press 'return'"
- 900 printd$+d$+d$" to quit press 'q'"
- 910 geta$:ifa$=chr$(13)andpt$="oki"then520
- 920 ifa$=chr$(13)andpt$="g10x"then530
- 930 ifa$<>"q"then910
- 940 goto63000
- 950 :
- 960 :+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- 1000 rem ********* title screen ********
- 1010 printcl$;d$+d$+d$
- 1020 print"[163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163] sleeve lists [163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163]"
- 1030 print"[153] [183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183] sleeve lists [183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183]"
- 1040 print" [184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184] [155]sleeve lists [184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184]"
- 1050 print" [162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162]"
- 1060 print" [183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183]"
- 1070 print:print" [223] [146][169]"
- 1080 print:print:print" [223][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][169]"
- 1090 print" [223] [169]"
- 1100 print" [223] [169]"
- 1110 print" [223] [169]"
- 1120 print" [223] [169]"
- 1130 print" [223][169]"
- 1140 printd$+d$"oki 92 & gemini 10x version by r.taylor"
- 1150 for j=1to5000:next:printcl$+d$+d$
- 1160 print"program will read all files from the
- 1170 [153]"disk directory and then output a
- 1180 print"uniform size list to the printer.
- 1190 [153]:[153]"there will be one list per page
- 1200 print"which is to be trimmed at the top
- 1210 [153]"& bottom dashed lines and 5 1/2 inches
- 1220 print"from the left edge of the paper (after
- 1230 [153]"removing selvage).
- 1240 print:print"fold list and place into disk
- 1250 [153]"sleeve so that title shows at top
- 1260 print"of sleeve.
- 1270 [153]d$"for the gemini 10x adjust tractor so"
- 1280 [153]"printing starts approx 1/4 inch from"
- 1290 [153]"left edge of page."
- 1300 [153]d$"press any key to continue"
- 1310 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]""[167]1310
- 1320 [142]
- 1330 :
- 1340 :[170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170]
- 2000 [143] ******* select printer ********
- 2010 [153]cl$"select printer":[153]d$[170]d$[170]d$:[153]"(o) okidata
- 2020 print"(g) gemini 10x
- 2030 [153]d$[170]d$;"enter your choice ( o or g )"
- 2040 [161]a$:[139] a$[179][177]"o" [175] a$[179][177]"g"[167] 2040
- 2050 [139] a$[178]"g"[167] 7000
- 2060 [139] a$[178]"o"[167] 6000
- 2070 :
- 2080 :[170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170]
- 3000 [143] ***** select output mode ******
- 3010 cl$[178][199](147):d$[178][199](17)
- 3020 [153]cl$[170]d$[170]d$" select output mode"
- 3021 [153]d$"do you want sorted list (y/n)"
- 3022 [161]a$:[139] a$[179][177]"y" [175] a$[179][177]"n"[167] 3022
- 3023 us[178]0:[139] a$[178]"y"[167] us[178]1:[143] turn on sort routine
- 3030 [153]d$" (l) lower & upper case"
- 3040 [153]d$" (u) upper case only"
- 3050 [153]d$[170]d$;"enter your choice ('l'or 'u')"
- 3060 [161]a$:[139] a$[179][177]"l" [175] a$[179][177]"u"[167] 3060
- 3070 [139] a$[178]"l"[167] s[178]7:[143] s=secondary address
- 3080 [139]s[178]7[167]p[178]96:[153]cl$:[151]53272,23:[142]
- 3090 s[178]0:p[178]128
- 3100 [142]
- 3110 :
- 3120 :[170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170]
- 6000 [143] ******* okidata codes *********
- 6001 es$[178][199](27) :[143] esc character
- 6002 pi$[178][199](30) :[143] pica 10cpi
- 6003 co$[178][199](29) :[143] condense 17cpi
- 6004 em$[178]es$[170][199](84) :[143] emphasized on
- 6005 en$[178]es$[170][199](72) :[143] enhanced on
- 6006 of$[178]es$[170][199](73) :[143] emp & enh off
- 6007 cn$[178][199](24) :[143] can (reset)
- 6008 sp$[178]es$[170][199](56) :[143] 8 lines/inch
- 6009 ff$[178][199](12) :[143] form feed
- 6010 pt$[178]"oki":[141]3000:[142]
- 6020 :
- 6030 :[170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170][170]
- 7000 [143]****** gemini 10x codes ********
- 7001 es$[178][199](27) :[143] esc character
- 7002 pi$[178]es$[170][199](66)[170][199](1) :[143] pica 10cpi
- 7003 co$[178]es$[170][199](66)[170][199](3) :[143] condense 17cpi
- 7004 em$[178]es$[170][199](69) :[143] emphasized on
- 7005 en$[178]es$[170][199](71) :[143] enhanced on
- 7006 of$[178]es$[170][199](72)[170]es$[170][199](70):[143] emp & enh off
- 7007 cn$[178]es$[170][199](64) :[143] can (reset)
- 7008 sp$[178]es$[170][199](48) :[143] 8 lines/inch
- 7009 ff$[178][199](12) :[143] form feed
- 7010 pt$[178]"g10x":[141]3000:[142]
- 63000 [143] connect back to l.s.
- 63002 [153]"loadload"[199](34)"payload"[199](34)",8":[153]"run"
- 63004 [151]198,0:[151]631,13:[151]632,13:[151]198,2:[128]